Influencer collaborations pay off: ABOUT YOU Fashion Week according to the numbers

Launchmetrics Content Team

The show must go on. Just after Berlin Fashion Week closed, influencers, bloggers and fashion fans hit the grounds of E-Werk – the same hotspot that hosted shows for media and buyers hours before. This time, it was a little different. Claiming to be “exclusive for everyone“, ABOUT YOU Fashion Week in Germany showcased a brand new, straight-to-consumer format, making the digital fashion world both more accessible and personal.

The event featured seven scheduled shows, including presentations from ABOUT YOU brands such as LeGer by Lena Gercke, and MagdeburgLosAngeles by Tokio Hotel frontman, Bill Kaulitz. Adding to the buzz, was also a supporting program with sales outlets and personalized style advice for the visitors.

ABOUT YOU’s event in Germany represents a shift from e-commerce platforms as they evolve to shape their offering in a more relevant way to consumers of today. In addition to employing digital marketing tactics, off-line events are becoming increasingly important when it comes to communicating brand identity and creating an experience for loyal customers. Now, audiences expect brands to go further than just being static and selling products – it’s about creating a whole customer experience. Managing Director of ABOUT YOU, Tarek Mueller emphasized that the brand is actively committed to creative storytelling since the company was founded: “We are increasingly turning to Storydoing, not just Storytelling. We want to create very special experiences for our customers. “

And, according to the numbers, this strategy works. The event generated a total MIV of €1.2M, €500K of which was generated by influencers. To find out more about all the data from the ABOUT YOU Fashion Week, take a look at our infographic below. From the top influencers to the impact created by each Voice, we’ve crunched the numbers and outlined the highlights of this public fashion event.

about you germany

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