It would be ideal to be able to monitor the media and influencers who you make an impact on and adapt press releases to each individual. If you engage directly and establish a rapport, as well as showing that you know who they are and respect the work of the individual or group you’re addressing, the chances you’ll get published dramatically increase. Don’t send a press release on a product launch to the editor of a magazine, for example, segment profiles and speak to people on their own terms. In order to do this, you can use a specialized platform, such as Contacts by Launchmetrics.

In the subject line of the email, you can also ensure not to use the abbreviation for PR or “press release”, as many outlets have filters in place to automatically send these types of messages to the Spam folder. The more personal and eyecatching the subject line, the better. If you want to learn more of our best practices for avoiding spam filters, you can read them here!