interview jessica gomes

#StateofInfluence: An Interview with Jessica Gomes

Launchmetrics Content Team

Throughout our most recent annual State of Influencer Marketing 2020, one of the biggest topics to emerge was that of Relatability. Relatability has become the new authenticity and this is becoming apparent in a post-Covid era. We recently sat down to interview Jessica Gomes, Model and Founder of Equal Beauty, who spoke to us about how successful influencer marketing relies on authentic consumer engagement and how this method of marketing has impacted the modeling industry.

How have you adapted your content strategy in light of Covid-19?

We have just launched some new products. So my team has been upping the content. We always want to lift people up especially in this dark time. Equal Beauty is also a state of mind, not just products. So it’s about making people feel happy and good, along with quotes of support of encouragement. But, also talking authentically about the products and what the benefits are. The wonderful thing about having your own business is that you can work from home and dive into creative ideas.


What do you think is the key to success when it comes to influencer marketing?

I think really engaging with your followers and continually inspiring people to want to shop is always a plus. But, personally, I think now people really want authenticity so I think it’s important to try to keep it as real as possible. The word marketing to me feels very different. How are we engaging consumers to buy products? I don’t think there is a set formula, I believe it’s one of those things that’s an essence or the X factor and you either have it or you don’t. You have to make yourself known.

How do you think influencer marketing has impacted the modeling industry? Is it an important element when it comes to castings etc.?

I think it impacted the modeling industry massively. Brands are now booking models through Instagram, so they are looking at what your voice is, personality, aesthetics, etc. Whereas before you had to shoot with a certain photographer, book editorials, and have tear sheets to book a certain job. I think now everyone has the reach and the power to inspire a brand and shoot with them. It’s not an isolated experience. I feel like more than ever there are so many models and influencers who are a part of the fashion industry or selling a product.

How do you feel influencer marketing will change in the future?

I think that we are now, as a society, moving towards authenticity. I think if you genuinely love a product as an influencer then that really needs to shine through. People know the game now so it needs to be real for people.

For more insights on the direction influencer marketing is heading and our predictions for 2020, download our report below.

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