virtual marketing summit

At Launchmetrics, we are so excited to have you join our virtual Performance Summit, to take your marketing strategies to the next level, and really elevate your brand performance. Most of the industry has shifted its event formats to digital, rather than physical mediums, specifically in light of the ongoing global pandemic. With this, we recognize it might not be as easy as walking up to an event usher to have your important questions answered, and so we have put together this toolkit, with everything you need to know about the summit, where you can get help, network with other attendees, access sessions and more.

What is Performance by Launchmetrics?

With years of industry experience, we are experts in building brand performance for companies in the fashion, luxury, and beauty industries. This is why we have decided to open up our expertise and share knowledge, best practices, and strategies in the first-ever virtual marketing summit dedicated to brand performance. We have invited guest speakers who are also experts in their field to join us and talk through the key components that are driving brand strategies today as well as what companies can do in order to predict future changes. Performance by Launchmetrics offers not only the ability to listen to these key industry players but also the opportunity to ask questions, share opinions, and network with other attendees in the fashion, luxury and beauty industries.

How do I make sure I don’t miss a session?

Do specific sessions on our agenda catch your eye? Make sure you don’t miss them by fitting them into your existing schedule using Google Calendar. We have the option to save sessions you want to attend so that you are alerted 10 minutes before they are about to go ahead. Access the Google Calendar to see the full lineup, and start bookmarking sessions, here.

How can I network during the event, and meet people within the industry?

Networking is a key component and opportunity of any event or summit. Performance by Launchmetrics is a global digital summit, which means you have the chance to network with other attendees from across the world, in different markets. To make this easier and to allow you to engage in conversations or connect with summit attendees, we have set up a private Slack Community, which you can join, here. The Slack Community will have threads specifically linked to topics and sessions, as well as open discussions on specific learnings or findings from some of our panels.

Make sure you introduce yourself and welcome everyone on the #warm-welcomes channel as your first step. Then feel free to join any of the Slack channels created for the summit.

How do I spread the word and notify my friends and followers about the event?

Make your voice heard! We would love to hear your opinions and see the key takeaways you have learned from our summit. You can use the hashtag #Performance2020 across all social channels, before, during, and after the event to join in the conversation. We welcome you to share your experiences, opinions and have open discussions, and make sure to tag us so we can see what you are sharing: @launchmetrics across all social networks.

How and when can I access the sessions? 

You will be able to access the sessions in real-time, or a few days after they have wrapped, so don’t worry if you happen to miss one that you wanted to tune in to. You must sign up for the sessions you would like to join via our Performance by Launchmetrics site, where you can view the full agenda. Once you have registered for a specific session or panel, we will email you the unique links for each session in order to join before the summit takes place. If you tune in live, you will be able to view the stream as it happens. If not, you will receive a new URL when the recorded sessions are uploaded.

Each session will have its own unique access link, so we have allowed for a 15-minute gap between sessions that will give you time to jump to the next stream or grab a coffee, some snacks, and get ready! Make sure you have your agenda email to hand, which you will receive a week before the Summit to easily go through the session links.

To access the official site, click here.

How does the live streaming platform work?

We encourage that you get involved in discussions during the summit, and submit any questions for our panelists in our questions box – team members from Launchmetrics will also be answering and regulating the chat section. There will be a new chat section for each individual session, which will open when you join. Additionally, we will run real-time polls as the sessions take place so that you can have your opinion heard on the topics that the speakers discuss. You can either select to use the question section to ask us anything or use the additional chat to engage with other attendees and interact.

virtual marketing summit

Whilst the platform is compatible with all browser types, we recommend that you use the latest version of Chrome, if possible – you won’t need to download anything to access the sessions – just click on the unique link that you receive for each session.

How can I view the sessions after the summit?

The sessions from the virtual marketing summit will be available indefinitely if you have registered. You will receive an email after the summit with the links to each session if you would like to go back and watch them.

I still need help!

Do you still have unanswered questions? Not to worry! You can get in touch with our support team by sending an email to

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