Data Briefs
China Beauty Influencer Marketing Highlights

An exclusive overview of the performance of skincare and cosmetics brands' influencer marketing campaigns in China in Q1 2021.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had long-lasting effects on consumption habits and broader economic conditions, meaning marketing and brand promotion has proved more challenging than usual. Despite this, some brands have still managed to achieve remarkable successes that others can learn from through influencer marketing in China. We surveyed the performance of over 20 beauty brands across the trending social media networks in China including Weibo, WeChat, Xiaohongshu, Douyin and Bilibili in Q1 2021, and compared these trends with their performance in Q1 2020.

In this data brief, you will find:

  • An analysis of the performance data of 22 brands in the beauty industry in Q1 2021 and a comparison with Q1 2020
  • An exploration of the MIV® ranking for these 22 brands
  • China Influencer Data: Influencer Community Snapshots that show the different influencer strategies pursued by each brand
  • A case study of SkinCeuticals’s influencer campaign on social media networks in China and the top 5 influencers in the campaign
  • A case study of Dior Beauty’s influencer campaign on social media networks in China and the top 5 influencers in the campaign

In partnership with...

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This analysis is in partnership with WeCosmoprof International, an event by Cosmoprof Asia Ltd held virtually from the 7-18th of June 2021.

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