Reports & Whitepapers
Fashion Week and Twitter: Blue is the New Black

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Working in fashion and looking for ways to tap into the benefits of online content to generate conversations about your brand? Well, then Twitter is your new best friend — thousands of influencers, bloggers, celebrities and other brands are already maximizing this social media channel’s potential.

Twitter has definitely got everyone curious, so we performed a study on the brands that were using the channels during Fashion Month: a crucial time for anyone involved in the fashion industry. We analyzed the overall impact and value that Twitter brought to these brands and tell you how you can harness the platform’s PR potential for next year.

What you’ll learn…

  • Brands designating hashtags and reaping the rewards.
  • How active audiences on Twitter lead to higher conversions.
  • The right images for the platform create more engagement.
  • The role of celebrities on Twitter to circulate brand communication.
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