
The Ultimate Dictionary for KOL Campaigns in China

kol china campaigns

Welcome to our new guide ‘The Ultimate Dictionary for KOL Campaigns in China’ where you will discover the power of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), the right digital platforms to use in China, and how to measure campaign results. This quick dictionary of concepts and fundamental pillars for KOL campaigns will help you in the development of your marketing strategy for China.

In this guide, you will find:

  • Top 5 Social Channels You Should Consider for your Campaigns
  • Key Opinion Leader vs Influencer
  • Models of collaboration with KOLs
  • Types of influence in China: from KOLs to KOCs
  • How to Measure KOL Campaigns

More about this guide:

Entering the Chinese Market requires taking into consideration the differences in culture, user behavior, platforms, tools, and interaction. In this guide, we will deep dive in the 5 fundamental pillars that you need to adopt to develop your marketing strategies in China. You will learn about the KOLs vs Influencers in China, the types of influence in China from KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) to KOCs (Key Opinion Consumers). You’ll also discover the top 5 social channels you should consider for your campaigns, such as WeChat or BiliBili, the models of collaboration with KOLs, and the 5 Metrics to use to measure your KOL campaign performance.

Thanks to this guide, you will confidently learn about the concepts and fundamental pillars for KOL campaigns in China in order to successfully develop your marketing strategy. Download it to get all the insights!