10 Influencer Marketing Experts To Follow

3 minute read

Launchmetrics Content Team

Influencer Marketing is becoming more and more important for communication and marketing professionals, as influencers are one way to strengthen and bring more credibility to new brand campaigns. That’s why experts in this field are spending more time talking and sharing their insights on Influencer Marketing.

Influencer Marketing is becoming more and more important for communication and marketing professionals, as influencers are one way to strengthen and bring more credibility to new brand campaigns. That’s why experts in this field are spending more time talking and sharing their insights on Influencer Marketing.

This is also the reason why we have been working so hard during the last 4 years in Augure to provide PR, communication, and marketing professionals  a tool that help them to identify and engage their key influencersWe also learned a lot from the professionals we’re working with (analysts, customers, influencers, etc.) and tried to share this knowledge in our different content related to Influencer Marketing:

We’ve come up with a list of 10 bloggers who talk about influencer marketing and a variety of other topics related to communications and marketing. If you are thinking about developing new strategies with influencers who are relevant to your industry, make sure to keep track of these 10 bloggers! ?






Sam Fiorella, Partner at Sensei Marketing

Sam is a respected blogger and keynote speaker who covers marketing, branding and social media communications. Co-author of Influence Marketing: How To Create, Manage and Measure Brand Advocates, a book about the growth of social influence marketing and new methodologies for businesses to impact their sales efforts.




Danny Brown The Human Side of Media and the Social Side of Marketing

Danny is the other co-author of Influence Marketing: How To Create, Manage and Measure Brand Advocates. His blog is recognized as the #1 marketing blog in the world by HubSpot. He speaks on marketing, social media, big data, influence marketing and how it ties back to ROI.

If you still don’t know how to measure the impact of an influencer marketing strategy, don’t miss his recent post: Six Easy Metrics to Measure an Influence Marketing Campaign



Brian Solis, Defining the impact of technology, culture and business

Brian is the principal analyst at Altimeter Group, where he studies the effects of disruptive technology on business and society. His blog is among the world’s leading business and marketing online resources.

Don’t miss his interview in our blog and the Altimeter’s report on ‘The rise of Digital Influence’, a “how-to” guide for businesses to achieve successful results through social media influence.



Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute

He’s the godfather of modern content marketing. He created Content Marketing World, an annual conference on all things content and writes one of the most influential content marketing blogs in the world.

If you want to start focusing on your influencers, have a look at this article in which he share his own experience with influencers when he launched CMI.



Ron SelaStrategic Influence Marketing

Ron Sela is a Strategic Content Marketing consultant, specializing in influencer marketing campaigns, as well as inbound and outbound marketing strategies. You can find him blogging at RonSela.com where he shares his opinions, as well as his recommendations on social media tools and techniques.




Jay BaerConvince and Convert

Jay is a renowned marketing strategist, sp
eaker and best-selling author of Youtility:Why Smart Marketing is About Help Not Hype. He is the founder of the award-winning blog Convince and Convert, ranked as the world’s #1 content marketing resource.

This infographic illustrates the differences between influencers and advocates.



Anna Ritchie, Contently

Anna Ritchie is a marketing and communications professional, focusing on social media, content marketing and online community management.

She is a frequent CMI contributor and has recently written this guide:  The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing: Strategies, Templates & Tools, that includes industry-leading practices and insights from experts, as well as useful templates.



John Bell, Digital Influence Mapping Project

John developed, grew and ran Ogilvy’s global social media solutions practice Social@Ogilvy, and now is head of Enterprise Digital Marketing at Travelers.  On his blog, he shares his thoughts on marketing and has talked about digital influence for years.

Don’t miss this post in which he answers this difficult question: What determines influence?



Mark Schaefer, {Grow} Blog

He has written three books, including best-sellers Return on Influencethe first book to explore how brands are identifying and leveraging the world’s most powerful bloggers, tweeters, and YouTube celebrities to build product awareness, brand buzz, and new sales, and The Tao of Twitter

His marketing blog, {grow}, has won numerous international awards, and it was named one of Advertising Age’s Power 150, which ranks the top 150 English-language marketing blogs in the world.



Heidi Cohen, Actionable Marketing guide

Heidi Cohen is an expert on actionable marketing. If you go to her blog, you’ll consistently see high-quality posts 6 days a week. She writes about content marketing, social media, public relations, and mobile, and is a great resource for content specialists. In this post, she talks about how to influence the influencers: 9 Ways to Build An Influencer Relations Program.


Who else would you include on this list? If you follow any other blogger who talks about Influence Marketing, please tell us!



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