seating plan

How to Build the Ultimate Seating Chart

Launchmetrics Content Team

Do you ever wonder how your brand can create those buzz-worthy event moments that make headlines? Think: Queen Elizabeth next to Anna Wintour at London Fashion Week. It all comes down to building a one-of-a-kind seating chart.

Planning seating charts, however, is one of the less glamorous and more frustrating parts of event planning. The complexity of who sits next to who, last-minute changes, and the horror of forgetting to assign a VIP a seat can become overwhelming. Fortunately, digital seating charts can help you create the optimal guest experience with a fraction of the stress.

Avoid a seating chart crisis

All events, no matter how well-planned, always come with unexpected surprises. Invitees who RSVP after the deadline or a VIP who’s demanding extra seats for their entourage. Last minute changes mean rearranging seating charts in a rush, which could lead to mistakes like sitting a celebrity brand ambassador next to a reporter from a gossip magazine looking to get an inside scoop and making the show experience a nightmare for your talent.

Avoid last-minute faux pas by using a digital seating chart that allows you to quickly rearrange guests, switch seats based on status changes, and double check if you have the right people sitting next to each other.

You will have no doubt that every guest is satisfied with where they are sitting and you’ll avoid a worst case scenario of Taylor Swift and Kanye West mistakenly seated next to each other.

Build an audience that will bring buzz

The best way to create buzz around your event is through your guests, so it’s crucial to seat them in a way that maximizes conversation. Digital seating charts allow you to easily classify and color-code invitees–VIPs, editors, bloggers, buyers, influencers–for a quick visual reference.

This way you’ll avoid sitting editors from competing publications next to each other or a VIP in the back row. Color coding also helps you place a strategic mix of people in each section or table at your event in order to spark conversations and buzz.

Keep your brand’s reputation in tact by formulating an amazing guest experience for each type of guest through their seating assignment. While it may seem like a simple task within the event planning process, it could make or break how attendees view your event or brand.

Replicate seating charts for your next event

In the fast-paced world of fashion, luxury, and cosmetics, there’s never time to rest, because after every great event, there’s another one that needs to be planned. Don’t throw away that previous seating chart just yet, it just might save you time preparing for your next event.

By utilizing the digital archive, you can easily replicate your best seating charts and update them for future events. While it might be hard for brands like Chanel who are always redesigning the layout of the Grand Palais for their fashion show, it’s perfect for product launches or dinner events that have similar seating arrangements.

Simply duplicate your past seating chart, then add additional tables or rows as needed. You’ll be on your way to the perfect seating arrangement in a fraction of the time.

seating chart

Now that you’ve perfected your seating chart, you’re all set to host the hottest event of the year!  For more event planning tips, check out our Event Planning Checklist.

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