#StateofInfluence: An interview with Joerg Zuber, Artistic Director & Creator of Noonoouri

Launchmetrics Content Team

We hope you enjoyed our last #StateofInfluence feature with Cristiana Monfardini of Fendi! This week’s interview from our State of Influencer Marketing report, features Joerg Zuber, Artistic Director and Creator of Noonoouri, a Parisian digital influencer. Zuber is based in Munich, Germany, and as a fashion lover from the age of 5, envisioned the concept of fashion i-doll, Noonoouri. Having worked with top-name brands like Dior, Burberry, and Marc Jacobs, Noonoouri has made a name for herself in the world of influencer marketing, with her 3 core content values – cute, curious and couture. 

#StateofInfluence: An interview with Joerg Zuber, Artistic Director & Creator of Noonoouri

You have mentioned that you struggled to find investors when you decided to create Noonouri. Why/how do you think this apprehension about her character has changed to acceptance?

I feel that I have proved that Noonoouri is not just another influencer – she has become a character and is on the way to transforming herself into a personality. The fear of the digital has been eliminated and aside from her beauty and quality-driven content, there is also a lot of in-depth information (especially about social topics such as feminism, children, animals, and nature) and a clear point of view of who she is.

What do you see as the main strategic differences between human influencer marketing, and digital influencer marketing?

Speaking for Noonoouri only, I try very hard to offer her fans a new perspective on things. I try to find another way of communication and invite people to think out of the box. We have endless possibilities and ways to show and visualize brands, products, and values in a very fresh and entertaining way.

According to you, how has influencer marketing evolved over the past few years?

Influencers are a new field of communication. They co-exist with print, tv, online and are part of the social system. I feel it is more and more important for influencers to have a clear point of view and demonstrate in every post, story, and caption what he or she stands for. Otherwise, like every business, you get lost in the mass.

What do you think the future of influencer marketing will look like, and do you think the volume and popularity of digital influencers like Noonoouri will increase?

There is a lot of space out there for communication. I believe quality will survive and this is why Noonoouri is so quality driven. Digital characters should be seen as a part of the diversity movement. e.g. Noonoouri gives a few people a job to do, as she needs to have a lot of manpower involved. So, I am very proud of seeing her grow and gaining awareness and acceptance.

How do you decide which brands Noonoouri works with?

Firstly, I look at if there is a match in the values, ideas, and manifestos of the two brands. Then, the aspect of quality is very important to me. I’d rather skip posting rather than doing “just something” – but this is just me. I believe in the chemistry of people – what you seek is seeking you. Respect and understanding both sides is very important to me. 

You’ve said that you “always try and implement something that is not possible in reality.” Why is this?

Noonoouri’s main goal is to entertain and inform on a different level of quality. She is very art driven. I want to inspire people to think out of the box and stimulate their creativity to go beyond the imaginable.

What do you think defines a great influencer marketing campaign?

Creativity and storytelling. Of course, you can have the most liked Instagram post featuring an egg… but do we remember the name of the photographer? Consistency, creativity, and authenticity are the keywords for a convincing campaign with good execution.

What challenges do you foresee for fashion, luxury, and cosmetics brands in terms of influencer marketing?

More of an understanding of budgets. A good creative idea can be developed in seconds but its execution and finalization take time, which costs money. Any influencer invests a huge amount of time in their account, to engage, to connect, to maintain, to show love and dedication to what she/he does. This has to be recognized, worshipped and in the end also compensated. 

Want to learn more about influencer marketing?

Be sure to download our latest State of Influencer Marketing report for 2019, which features an in-depth analysis of data collected from over 600 industry professionals in the fashion, luxury and cosmetics industries:



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